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June 13, 2005 Minutes
Chichester Conservation Commission
06/13/05         Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Jeff Andrews, Gordon Jones Bob Mann, Mike Marchand, Walter Sanborn, Deb Soule, and Lee-Ann Valotto

General Items
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

CCC Goals Status Review:

1) Land Protection Subcommittee
Nothing new to report.  We need to plan for a booth at Old Home Day on Saturday, August 20, 2005.  Lee-Ann will work a shift.

2) Source Water Protection Education Efforts/Web Site
Deb is waiting for confirmation from Fred Shaw that final changes have been made.  She will schedule an appointment to meet with the selectmen regarding linking the Conservation page to the town website.

7:15 p.m.  Presentation
Jeff Burd of Brown Engineering and Ron Wroblewski of L&K Trucking, rte. 4, Dover Rd./ Map 3 Lot 29A

Mr. Wroblewski wants to add a 150’ x 150’ paved lot for truck sales along rte. 4.  The lot will impact approximately 6000 sq. ft. of wetlands.  They were looking for CCC comment prior to applying to the ZBA for a variance.  Bob advised that the CCC serves in an advisory capacity only and that all decisions will be made by the ZBA.  

A motion was made to support the application to the ZBA given that the lot is in the Commercial/ Industrial zone with the condition that the surface drainage be directed away from the wetland in so far as possible.  Action on the motion was delayed until the site can be visited for review.

The CCC will meet at L&K Trucking on Thursday 6/16 at 5:00 pm to view the site.

7:41 pm.  Presentation ended

3) Designating Prime Wetlands
7:41 pm - Meeting with Peter Walker of VHB to discuss plans for the informational meeting to be held June 23rd at 7:00 pm at the town hall.
Peter will prepare a presentation and have a draft available to the CCC for review next week.  The presentation will explain the process for designating prime wetlands, the benefit to the town, a review of the functions and values of a wetland and current laws pertaining to wetlands.   
8:22 pm - meeting ended

4) Warrant articles
At last months meeting, it was agreed to focus on the survey of Carpenter Park.  Bob proposed meeting with the selectmen regarding the survey of Carpenter Park and to see if they want the CCC to take an active role in the process.

5) Blaze Paint Property Bounds on Conservation Easements
Blazing of a few difficult to find property bounds of the Blackman and Drinon properties will be considered with the potential Carpenter Park survey.

6) Water Quality Monitoring of Marsh Pond
The June 14 water sampling has been rescheduled to June 28 due to inclement weather.  Deb and Mike will sample with the DES biologist.

7) Implementing the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area management plan.
The wetlands delineation has been conducted by Gove Environmental but the results are not yet available.  

The Town of Chichester Parks and Recreation Commission have applied for a dredge and fill permit to expand the upper baseball field so that it is regulation size.  It was noted by Deb and Jeff that suggested changes regarding a natural swale along the edge of the field for runoff was not incorporated.  
Send a letter to the Parks and Recreation Commission suggesting they eliminate the pipe and reroute the swale if necessary to reroute drainage.  Also they should limit the use of pesticides and fertilizer in the area that would drain to wetland.
Motion failed     2 aye; 4 no; 1 abstain   
Bob suggests meeting with the selectmen regarding the following issues
1.      Mr. Cavacco and Marsh  Pond Dam
2.      The Safety handbook and how it affects the CCC
3.      the Survey of Carpenter Park and if they would like the CCC to take an active roll

Meeting was adjourned at 9:16 PM.

Upcoming Meetings
06/23 at 7 PM at Town Hall – Public informational meeting for prime wetlands field study work segment
07/11 @ 7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting